Dell Optiplex GX Series Desktop PC - Intel Core 2 Duo - 2GB RAM - 80 GB HARD DRIVE - DVDROM - WINDOWS 7 PROFESSIONAL INSTALLED - A Very fast pc good for graphics , professional work and business

Dell Optiplex GX Series Desktop PC - Intel Core 2 Duo - 2GB RAM - 80 GB HARD DRIVE - DVDROM - WINDOWS 7 PROFESSIONAL INSTALLED - A Very fast pc good for graphics , professional work and business

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Well, you don't need to doubt Dell Optiplex GX Series Desktop PC - Intel Core 2 Duo - 2GB RAM - 80 GB HARD DRIVE - DVDROM - WINDOWS 7 PROFESSIONAL INSTALLED - A Very fast pc good for graphics , professional work and business, So long as the values are good, select the buy button today. Let amazon delivered it to you personally.
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By : Dell
Dell Optiplex GX Series Desktop PC - Intel Core 2 Duo - 2GB RAM - 80 GB HARD DRIVE - DVDROM - WINDOWS 7 PROFESSIONAL INSTALLED - A Very fast pc good for graphics , professional work and business

Product Description

Dell Optiplex GX Series Desktop PC - Intel Core 2 Duo - 2GB RAM - 80 GB HARD DRIVE - DVDROM - WINDOWS 7 PROFESSIONAL INSTALLED - A Very fast pc good for graphics , professional work and business Refurbished to Highest Standard

Technical Details

  • Intel Core 2 Duo
  • 2 GB Ram
  • 80 GB Massive Hard Drive
  • DVDROM/CDROM Optical Drive
  • Windows 7, Refurbished to Highest Standard
Dell Optiplex GX Series Desktop PC - Intel Core 2 Duo - 2GB RAM - 80 GB HARD DRIVE - DVDROM - WINDOWS 7 PROFESSIONAL INSTALLED - A Very fast pc good for graphics , professional work and business

Customer Reviews

The product name says things that don't match the description.
For example in the name it says 2gb ram and 300gb hard drive, yet the description reads 1gb ram and hard drive 80gb....!?
can't be both, and these just a couple of the many in-discrepancies i have noticed in rapid solutions products not just this computer but a few others.
are they a reliable seller, do they know anything about computers and what is the real specification for this product

I had a PC, family machine for e-mail, kid-duty games, with a nice old HP laserjet that won't run with a Windows 7 environment. The motherboard fried. I needed a replacement XP machine.
This used Dell Optiplex with XP was a screamer a few years ago; it runs all the typical MS 2007 applications very fast. It also has plenty of USB ports, which is necessary:
The Dell Optiplex is a small form-factor box, additional boards for wireless networking, etc. don't fit, but no matter just plug in a new wireless NIC into a USB port like a thumb drive. I run the old hard drive in a box that ALSO plugs into a USB port. Systems integration: done.
The company that provided it did a nice cleaning and packaging job, shipper just left it on the grass, but again for $200 I'm very happy.

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