DELL GX Small Form Factor PC System (Wireless USB Broadband Adaptor, Win XP HP, TFT Flatscreen Monitor)
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Well, you should not doubt DELL GX Small Form Factor PC System (Wireless USB Broadband Adaptor, Win XP HP, TFT Flatscreen Monitor), As long the values are good, go through the buy button at this time. Let amazon delivered it to you.
The Lowest Price Available Here
By : Dell
Product Description
Dell Computer Set - Dell Optiplex Series Desktop - Intel Pentium 4 HT - 1GB ram - 80GB Hard Drive - DVDrom - Keyboard - Mouse - Power cord - Wireless Internet Ready Adaptor
Technical Details
- 80 gb hdd
- full black dell system
- 17" TFT Screen
- windows xp
Customer Reviews
I have given this a good review as I am really enjoying using the computer and although I had problems with the CD/DVD drive this was dealt with in a very efficient way. It is now working excellently. I am old enough not to have learnt about computers at all at school or college but was not at any time made to feel inadequate when I didn't quite understand terminology.
The cable for connecting monitor to computer could not fit, it was not the right one.After buying the correct cable it worked, setting up was easy but the monitor had a strange wide band running from top to bottom making it difficult to read what was on the screen.Sending the wrong cable might have been a mistake at shippment but it was quite upsetting because based overseas I could not return the product.In fairness, after I complained to the suppliers, they tried to contact me but I was travelling.
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